Homeopatins teori

Vi har lagar och principer som förklarar hur vi ska arbeta för att bli framgångsrika behandlare. Nu har du chans att lära dig det som styr vårt yrke.


Under 17 webinarer får du ta del av det Erik van Woensel sett att elever behöver, under sina 35 år som lärare. Han går igenom lagarna, principerna och logiken för vår läkekonst. Varannan söndag hösten 2024 och våren 2025, kl 14:00-17:00.
Du läser Organon och kan ställa frågor om allt du behöver få förklarat. Självklart spelar vi in så att du kan ta igen om du missar något webinar.

On Sunday 8 September 2024 Erik van Woensel will start an online course wherein all the theory of homeopathy will be explained.
It will start from the beginning with the Laws of Cure, going logically through every step that has to be taken to understand homeopathy and its application as it is organized in the Organon but enriched with the experience of 200 years of homeopathy. It ends with the details of how to prescribe remedies and evaluate their action.
In total there will be 17 webinars, every second Sunday. The course will be in English. It will be recorded if you can not participate in every webinar.
You get access to the scheme etc when you have enrolled.

KURSSTART söndagen den 8 sept - COURSE starts Sunday 8 Sept

WEBINARER söndagar kl 14-17

Margot Granvik

Klassisk homeopat, lärare, föreläsare, producent, vetenskapsjournalist och en massa annat

Erik Van Woensel


graduated 2023

Having had Erik as my teacher for two years has given me the confidence to take on even difficult cases. He has taught me how to use refined strategies and techniques that step by step help me prescribe with certainty and further how to follow up a case in detail.
Erik teaches with clarity, patience  and skill backed up with tons of experience and knowledge, never compromising with the principles of classical homeopathy. Without learning Erik’s way of approaching a case I would be lost focusing on the wrong things a lot of the time. 
Thank you for everything that you do for future homeopaths!

Course Pricing

Homeopatins teori

1350 SEK

9 betalningar av 1350 SEK /månad

  • Månadsvis betalning sept -24 - maj -25

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Homeopatins teori

2000 SEK

  • Examensavgift

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